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Project Goals:

  • Reduce harm to students, staff, faculty, and patients from BIPOC and other historically marginalized communities
  • Equip graduates with skills to identify and dismantle structural racism and other forms of oppression as it manifests in text, visual and audio media
  • Influence publishers to align content with anti-racist and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) principles
  • Support alignment of UW SoN curriculum with anti-racist and DEI principles
  • Use anonymized data collected for a Quality Improvement project related to anti-racism and equity in nursing

Two Steps for Students, Staff and Faculty to Participate:

Optional: Students enter to win a $50 gift card with each submission!

Step 1. Critically Appraise Assigned Course Materials for Instances of Bias

  • Focus on course materials produced outside of UW SoN (e.g., textbooks, videos, articles, etc.)
  • To provide feedback on course materials produced inside UW SoN, see Memo 36
  • Learn more about critically appraising course materials for instances of bias below

Step 2. Submit Instances of Bias Found via the Collection Tool 

  • Instances of bias collected will be shared with:
      • Publishers: biannually (January & July), to request alignment of content with anti-racist & DEI principles
      • Faculty: quarterly by their respective courses, to assist alignment of curriculum with anti-racist & DEI principles

Submit Here!

Project Stats

Learn More About Critically Appraising Course Materials for Instances of Bias:

  • Download and Read Anti-Racism and Race Literacy: A Primer and Toolkit for Medical Educators (O’Brien et al., 2022).
  • Focus on the five questions presented on pages 25-36 which can be used to critically appraise course materials for instances of bias.
  • Each of these five questions are listed below with:
      • Associated page numbers in the document above, and
      • A short video (1-4 minutes) demonstrating the use of each question to critically appraise a commonly used nursing textbook. These videos are excerpts from the Project History Video above which was created for faculty to describe the evolution of this project.
  1. Are people of different races [or historically underrepresented groups] represented?
    (O’Brien et al., 2022, pp. 25, 32)

  2. When race [or ethnicity] is mentioned, is it contextualized and distinguished from biology/genetics?
    (O’Brien et al., 2022, pp. 26-27, 32-33)

  3. Have inadvertent stereotypes been eliminated?
    (O’Brien et al., 2022, pp. 27-28, 33-34)

  4. Have health disparities pertaining to your topic been centered and contextualized
    (O’Brien et al., 2022, pp. 28, 34-35)

  5. Do your materials disrupt oppression?
    (O’Brien et al., 2022, pp. 29, 35-36)

Project Collaborators:

  • Kahlea Williams (she/her), Operations Manager, Manning Price Spratlen Center for Anti-Racism and Equity in Nursing (MPS CARE)
  • Emily Leaver (she/her), MN, ARNP, FNP-BC, DNP student, Lecturer
  • Joycelyn Thomas (she/her), DNP, ARNP, FNP-BC, Assistant Teaching Professor
  • Bethany Rolfe Witham (she/her), DNP, ARNP, FNP-BC, Interim DNP Program Director, Assistant Teaching Professor
  • Monica McLemore (she/her), PhD, MPH, RN, Professor, Interim Associate Dean for DEI, Interim Director MPS CARE

Additional Project Contributors:

  • UW School of Nursing Anti-Racism & DEI Teaching Institute
  • Rebecca O’Connor (she/her), PhD, RN
  • Jennifer Sonney (she/her), PhD, ARNP, PPCNP-BC
  • Jamie Young (she/her/they/them), DNP, ARNP, FNP-BC
  • Jillian Mullen (she/her), UW SoN Instructional Technologist
  • Butch de Castro (he/him), PhD, MSN/MPH, RN
  • Nicole Moore (she/her), MPS CARE Strategic Brand & Communications Consultant
  • LJ Norman (he/him), UW SoN UX Designer

Contact Us:


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2021). The future of nursing 2020-2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

O’Brien, M., Fields, R., & Jackson, A. (2022, June 14). Anti-racism and race literacy: A primer and toolkit for medical educators. UCSF School of Medicine.

Webpage last updated: March, 2024 (Version 3.0)